Foodborne Outbreaks

Food that kills

By Paivi Ala-Risku

Published July 28, 2018

Every year, 19 people on average die because of food that has been contaminated e.g. with viruses and bacteria.

The most of the deadly sources remain unknown

There has been 365 deaths associated with contaminated food between 1998 and 2016. The excact source remains usually unknown.

Food that kills

Number of deaths caused by foodborne outbfreaks from 1998 to 2016.

Food that kills people SOURCE: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Fruits have been the deadliest

There has been 55 deaths because of contaminated fruits. This might lead you think that fruits are dangerous to eat. Not so much really: the high number is because one single, big outbreak that killed 33 people, making it one of the deadliest foodborne outbreaks ever.

Deaths by animal and plant-based food

Number of people killed by foodborne outbfreaks from 1998 to 2016.

Animal and plant-based food that kills people SOURCE: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Don't stop eating your lettuce yet

You might be afraid of eating fruits - or anything - after reading this. Don't be. Eating is very safe business, much safer than e.g. traveling by car.

Number of people killed every year

On average from 1998 to 2016

Car crashes vs food SOURCES: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (cars) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (food)

Don't stop eating your lettuce yet

You might be afraid of eating fruits - or anything - after reading this. Don't be. Eating is very safe business, much safer than e.g. traveling by car.

Number of people killed every year on average from 1998 to 2016

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